Creed Thoughts: Reptilian Elite

I heard about this guy in the 90s. Some sports guy on TV claiming he was a prophet, a son of the Godhead. He saw the future through a series of premonitions somewhere in Peru. Voices drove him there. And everyone called him a kook. But why? Jesus too was just a guy in the crowd prophesying some crap. But he said we can’t eat shrimp. I love shrimp. He said other stuff too, but the I believe this other guy. It makes total sense. Genetically altered Human-Reptilian hybrid overlords living in the moon controlling mankind. And they live among us. Shapeshifters. I always knew something was up. In the 60s I toured the world with the Grass Roots, Janis Joplin, Cream, and Doors. It was then that I first saw one.

Jimmy Morrison – he was wild, a poet. Women lusted after him. His voice, his body, his command of his instrument… so clearly a deity. I was in awe. And then it happened. I saw his eyes glitch. They went from beautiful, hypnotic blue to yellow with a black verticle slit. A shock visibly went through his body and he almost fell to the floor. Yes drugs played a part. They still do. But I know what I saw…. I think. I didn’t think he was completely human. I had to know for sure. So I asked him to my Radio Show.

Yes I was a host of a radio show then. DJ Wacky Weed Creed they called me. They gave me that name after they saw me dancing naked at a hash bonfire with the spirits of the dead. More on that later though.

Ok so Jimmy came to the studio. Very interesting guy. He mentioned he was in an open relationship and this gave me an idea. If I was going to figure out if any part of him was really a reptile I’d probably have to see him naked, maybe even feel his insides. So we made magic happen. It was the first time I had been with a man.. I think. I’m not offended by homosexuality. In the ’60s I made love to many, many women, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain… and it’s possible a man slipped in. There’d be no way of knowing. Anyway he was very good at it. too good. I believed more than ever that he wasn’t completely human. But he couldn’t be the only one.

As years passed I always made sure to look a man right in his eyes. Would they glitch? Who else among us was like Jimmy – superbly talented? successful? attractive? That ruled out everyone in the Office where I currently work as a quabity aschwitz.. maybe the temp? nah.. he’s a failure. And then one day this happened. My Boss declared himself the leader of the Lizard people. And I snagged a picture. Don’t show anyone though. I plan to trade this in for as much dough as I can.

Here’s a picture of me taking a picture of him.. wait, who took this picture?

cool beans, man.
Bye Bye for now, CREED

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